It is particularly impressive that so many new grade 10’s participated and achieved at this conference. The grade 10 “newbies” have so much potential! Please read some of their personal comments at the end of this article. In addition, congratulations to the MUN leaders who did a superb job bringing all elements of this conference together. You are definitely going to be strong leaders in your future careers!
26 students attended PACMUN Hawaii from 17-19th November in beautiful Honolulu. This is a well- run and unintimidating conference for all students and 8 students were recognized with awards at the Award Ceremony. It is noteworthy to observe that 4 of the students (Ava Nasrabadi, Sherlyn Fung, Sienna Geissler and Jasmine Luk) who attended TropicalMUN were also award winners at PACMUN, Hawaii, a much bigger international conference and this attests to the idea that one incrementally improves with each conference experience. Here are the award winners for PACMUN, 2023-
The Best Delegate Award- Sienna Geissler as the Republic of the Congo on UNHRC;
Outstanding Delegate Awards- Ava Nasrabadi as Bangladesh on UNHRC; Sherlynn Fung as Bangladesh on WHO
Honorable Mention- Jasmine Luk as Morocco on UNHRC
Best Researched- Samantha Po on Interpol
Verbal Commendations- Valerie Lau as Fiji on WHO; Annabel Ma-Hack as Indonesia on WHO and Angel Dee on the Hawaiian Committee.
Well done all Hawaii Model UN Angels! Every conference provides incredible learning opportunities, an ability to liaise and resolve problems with others as well as so many ways to improves one’s speaking abilities and confidence.
PACMUN Hawaii is an inspirational and enjoyable conference and here are some comments from a few students who attended:
Sienna Geissler-
“The PACMUN experience was unforgettable and a blast both in committee and out of it. The keynote speaker was exceptional. She truly inspired and empowered other women in the conference including me.
This conference has helped develop my MUN skills as a beginner and allowed me to gain confidence to speak in front of unfamiliar people about crucial challenges happening around the world.
In my committee (UNHCR), there was a mix of both general assembly and crisis. We developed resolution papers and quick problem solving strategies found in several world crises. I cherished how we were able to have fun while also speaking on matters of great importance. “
Sherlynn Fung-
“From discussing healthcare barriers to rapping Resolution Papers, PACMUN was not just a place where I had found my voice and wild ideas were shared - it was where a million possibilities stretched beyond imagination!”
Lidya Erel-
“I made so many new friends and met amazing people! I’m also definitely more confident in public speaking and look forward to future MUN conferences!”
Jasmine Luk-
“PACMUN was my first official conference — I met many new friends, and developed both my public speaking and leadership skills in my committee. It was a great and meaningful experience, and I definitely recommend grade 9s to join next year.”
Thank you to all MUN students for your wonderful dedication to research and your many efforts to join in and take a leadership role in the debate at both of these conferences. Special thanks go to all my MUN leaders for your expertise and excellent role-modelling! You are the best!
Mrs. Julie Mills