LFA Model UN Claims 9 Awards at CAHSMUN

The LFA delegation represented the school splendidly at CAHSMUN with 9 girls winning awards. 
Ava Nasrabadi, Sienna Geissler, and Kristina Bedford won the Best Delegate Awards on their committees and Ava and Sienna's committees comprised 75 delegates and Kristina's had approximately 50. This was a mammoth achievement attesting to each girl's great participation on committee revealing great critical thinking and resolutions. 

Paula Herrera and Effie Li won Outstanding on their Advanced competitive committees and the following 4 girls won Honourable Mentions: Sienna Loo, Mary Leung, Amy Lam, and Sophia Tatone, all on Advanced committees as well. 

These awards were really a sweep and so thank you to all students who attended as many other students were also very close to awards as well. Congratulations to all Model UN Angels for your exemplary participation and behaviour! You are the best!

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