The LFA Endowment Fund saw great growth this past year as it eclipsed $2M, setting a pathway for future generations of young women. With our overarching goal of accessibility in mind, this year’s LFA Foundation disbursements will contribute towards aid for families in need and various school resources and upgrades.
We would like to acknowledge and celebrate a new Family Endowments this year: The
McKee Family Endowment was established by the family of an alumna and current student from LFA. Having seen two generations of their family graduate from LFA and carry on to flourish, the McKee’s understand firsthand the transformational power of an LFA education. Their commitment to support LFA in perpetuity means that future generations of Angels will continue to benefit and grow from a truly holistic and enriching educational experience.

It is recent tradition at LFA that in lieu of a physical class gift, parents and grandparents of graduating students give a class gift to the school in thanks for the education their daughters have received. It started in 2012 when the endowment fund was first established and a Class of 2012 gift was designated to support financial aid at the school. The 50th Reunion of the Class of 1962 was held at the school, just weeks after the Class of 2012 had announced their gift, and in a beautiful moment of community action, they too pledged a gift. With that, two classes, 50 years apart, launched the Class Endowments to support financial aid.
Several families from this year's Class of 2022 have added to the legacy, carrying on a special tradition that provides directly to our core value of accessibility. The collective endowment of the many class funds now disburses important financial aid to current students at LFA.