LFA Community

Parents' Auxiliary

Welcome to Little Flower Academy and our Parents' Auxiliary! As a parent or guardian of a Little Flower Academy student, you are automatically a member of the Parents’ Auxiliary (PA). The purpose of the PA is to promote a sense of close community, cooperation and communication among the parents (or guardians), administration, faculty, staff, and students at LFA.

The Parents' Auxiliary is actively involved in the life of the school. The energetic PA volunteers plan and coordinate educational, informational, social and fundraising events for the whole community. We provide support to faculty and staff and assist with numerous student programs and key initiatives.
We directly support the mission and vision of the school through our volunteer commitment. Ultimately, the support and participation of our parents add to the school what bricks and mortar cannot …the sense of an extended family, committed to enriching our daughters’ lives.

We would like to encourage you to log onto the website. Behind the password, you can access critical information relating to your daughter's high school experience. There is the complete school calendar, school news and announcements, a directory, required forms (and other relevant downloads), as well as photos and stories from all aspects of school life.

We thank you in advance for your gifts of time and treasure and wish you and your daughter every blessing as we journey together at Little Flower Academy.

Log on for more

For more information on the Parents' Auxiliary, logging parent participation hours online and for PA contact names and details, please log on to the website.

You can also filter events on the school calendar for parent participation opportunities. Use the "Date/Event Filter" option at the top of the calendar, which will give you options on the types of events to filter.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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