The Grape Escape 2024 : Home & Away

The most popular alumnae event of the year is back again this fall. We've had so much positive feedback through the years on our comparison themes, so we're looking at BC... and beyond! Our beloved, long-time sommelier, Lara Victoria, will guide us through a comparison of some of her favourite BC wines and their old-world cousins.  

The night promises to be fun and delicious! A curated evening of wonderful wine selection, perfectly paired with each course--which will be prepared by our school chef and Dana Hospitality.

The Key Details:

When: 6pm START (doors open at 5:30pm), Friday, November 22nd, 2024
Where: Little Flower Academy
Tickets: $75 (alumnae pre-sale on now; tickets for the wider LFA community will be available in October)
Note: limited selection of VIP tickets will be available (which include both the evening's festivities and all of the recipes and wines)

Reunion Time?
Why not make it a reunion? In the past few we've seen an increasing number of reunion events taking place at the Grape Escape. Often the highlight of such events these reunions are always met with joyous conversation and reminiscing. We can work with you to make sure your group is all sitting together to enjoy a fantastic evening full of memories.

Questions: you can email Connie or call us at 604-738-9016, ext.106.


Attention Alumnae! To access the alumnae pre-sale tickets please refer to your email or the LFA Alumnae Facebook page. If you're an alumnae and did not receive an email with the pre-sale link or don't have access to the Facebook page, please reach out to Connie Sabo for help.

You can email Connie or call her at 604-738-9016, ext.106.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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