Technology Renewal

Over the past year, the Little Flower Academy Foundation has quietly led the way on a Technology Renewal Campaign that is transforming the student experience. On this success, the students will see significant changes in their day-to-day classroom experience come September.
The Technology Renewal Campaign is the first capital campaign since the build of the 2007 wing of the school. It is in direct response to the last major item on our current Strategic Plan and is the resources behind a vision to provide relevant technology for every student, in every class, and on demand. The Foundation Board of Trustees has secured the first $200,000 of the $600,000 goal.
What’s rewarding about this campaign is that the technology plan can be enabled “as we go”. This means that we can make the investment in technology as the gifts come in. We will use this summer to install interactive projectors in the classrooms that don’t yet have that technology. We will upgrade a critical server and invest in new software and upgrades to our online learning management system—in other words, our website. Most critically though, with our upgraded wifi (last summer), the school can introduce five new mobile Chromebook labs and an additional mobile notebook lab dedicated to our science laboratories.

Our current Chromebook labs are so heavily used that faculty often find it difficult to access them for classes. The new Chromebook labs will serve different areas of the school, providing a critical upgrade to the computing accessibility for classes of every sort. The Chromebooks sync with the Google document use and sharing that’s integral to our online learning environment. The science notebooks will be outfitted with software that’s specific to the science curriculum and doubles our capacity to have relevant computing integrated with the physics, chemistry and biology projects and experiments we undertake.

This major step is possible this summer because of the generous support we've received. In every instance the donor supported this initiative in addition to their regular Annual Fund support, meaning the essential programs and resources made available through the Annual Fund are as enriching as they’ve ever been.

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