Our special, annual Mass dedicated to Grandparents in our community. See below for more information and the day's schedule.
Grandparents, or "grandfriends" are invited to participate in this annual event. Grandparents will have the opportunity to sit with their granddaughters at Mass and join them for tea and light refreshments following the Liturgy.
Adjusted Schedule for Grandparent Day Mass at 8:45 am: Day 1C (C,D,A,B) – May 24
Please note that we will start with an extended homeroom before Mass.
Homeroom: 8:18-8:38 (20 minutes – After prayer, announcements and attendance, choir students who do not have a grandparent attending should report to Ms. Mislang in the gym and students who have a grandparent attending Mass should meet their grandparent(s) in the gym. Students who do not have a grandparent attending should wait until homeroom is over and go to the gym with their homeroom teacher)
Grandparents’ Day Mass: 8:45-10:00
Recess: 10:00-10:09
Block C: 10:12-11:08 (Reception for Grandparents after Mass)
Block D: 11:11-12:07 (56-minute blocks)
Lunch: 12:07-12:47 (Lunch will be eaten in homeroom unless the Dining Hall is set back up by noon)