Parent Volunteer Website

The Parents' Auxiliary does amazing things for our school. One of their biggest roles is managing the volunteers that make LFA run smoothly. To do this, they use their very own Parent Volunteer Website to sign up to volunteer to help and to track your volunteer hours. Have you logged on?
Parent Volunteer Website Log In
Parents are responsible for logging in to the Parent Volunteer Website to maintain their volunteer account. Each family has only one account holder, that is (by default) in the mother’s name. The PA must have only one account per family in order that each family have all volunteer hours reconcile most accurately.

Each family should have received an email with log-in instructions, including your personal Parent Volunteer Website username and password. If you didn't receive that correspondence, please don't hesitate to email the LFA Parent Participation Coordinator.

The school website has a great deal of information on using the Parent Volunteer Website, including directions on signing up to volunteer. Go to (you'll have to log on to the school site). 

Another username and password for volunteering?
Simply, the school doesn't have the resources to manage the volume of volunteers who make LFA so great, which is why we have the Parents' Auxiliary. The LFA Parents' Auxiliary has set up the website to manage this process and, in doing so, has identified a website provider that specializes in volunteer management and is cost effective. It is, nevertheless, a disctinct website from the school website, which is designed as an online learning management system for students.

School Information

4195 Alexandra Street, Vancouver, BC V6J 4C6
Tel: 604-738-9016
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